Hijab and fashion. Can the two words really go together?
Reading the Sunday times I came across this article, "The Great Cover-up" . It made cover story of the lifestyle section.
The article makes mention of "the undercover revolution" that is taking place. Not only by muslims that cover up, but also by Jewish and Mormon christians. Modest dressing is currently a hot topic and a growing trend.
Hijab blogs and hijab style stars are plenteous across the UK, Middle East and Australia.
Many young girls that don the hijab look to the likes of Dina Tokio, Yaz the Spaz and Dian Pelagi for inspiration.
Capetonian Blogger Saara Jappie-Adams says there is a gap in the fashion industry in South Africa. Fashion weeks need to include a modest-wear range.
How amazing would that be? For those of you that wear the hijab and dress modestly, you understand how difficult it is to find modest yet trendy clothing.
That being said though, has the scarf become a fashion statement? Have we forgotten why we wear the hijab?
New hijab styles are on an increase. There is a style for every occasion. Yes it is important to look good. Not only for others, but for ourselves as well. But have we become fashion victims?
Does fashion and the need to be on trend not consume us?
What is your view on this topic? What do you regard as modest dressing?
Can hijab and fashion go together?
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