Jan 17, 2014


I was supery dupery excited when a friend forwarded this recipe to me. It is the perfect serving size for an individual who is craving toffee apple.

Makes 4-6 lollipop size toffee apples.

1 large red apple
1 tablespoon lemon juice
35g castor sugar
60ml water
8g butter
Ice water
Few drops red food colouring

1.   Scoop out apple balls using a melon scoop. Make sure each ball has some skin on it. Push a skewer through the skin.
2.   Pour lemon juice over the apple balls.
3.   Place sugar water and butter in a saucepan. Heat gently until the sugar has dissolved. Increase the heat and boil rapidly for 5-8 minutes until the mixture is golden. Be careful not to burn the mixture.
4.   Once golden, remove it from the heat and stir in the food colouring. Allow the bubbles to subside.
5.   Dry each ball using a kitchen towel.
6.   Dip apples into toffee one a time, rotating them a few times to get an even coating then drop them into the ice water for 30seconds.
Serve immediately

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