These little wonders(yes they are wonders!) are fluffier than the regular pancakes/crepes and the ones I shared over here.
4 eggs
4 tablespoons sugar
4 tablespoons flour
200ml milk
1. Lightly beat eggs.
1. Lightly beat eggs.
2. Add the sugar, flour and milk. Whisk together.
3. Heat a frying pan, spray with spray&cook.
4. Pour some batter and fry on medium. Once the pancake starts pulling from the sides, turn over and fry on low until golden.
Makes 10 perfect pancakes.
Top them with nutella, chocolate mousse, fresh cream&strawberries, bananas, sugar&cinnamon or do it the Indian way by whipping up a cream mixture consisting of Nestlé cream, sugar and coconut. Put one pancake in a deep plate, cover with the cream mixture and top with another pancake. Continue layering ending with cream on top. Top with slivered almonds, cut into diamonds and refrigerate for an hour.