Nov 20, 2014


Indian pancakes A.K.A Gowla

These little wonders(yes they are wonders!) are fluffier than the regular pancakes/crepes and the ones I shared over here.

4 eggs
4 tablespoons sugar
4 tablespoons flour
200ml milk

1. Lightly beat eggs.
2. Add the sugar, flour and milk. Whisk together.
3. Heat a frying pan, spray with spray&cook.
4. Pour some batter and fry on medium. Once the pancake starts pulling from the sides, turn over and fry on low until golden.

Makes 10 perfect pancakes.

Top them with nutella, chocolate mousse, fresh cream&strawberries, bananas, sugar&cinnamon or do it the Indian way by whipping up a cream mixture consisting of Nestlé cream, sugar and coconut. Put one pancake in a deep plate, cover with the cream mixture and top with another pancake. Continue layering ending with cream on top. Top with slivered almonds, cut into diamonds and refrigerate for an hour.

Nov 7, 2014


Last week we discussed facial exercise; the benefits and what it entails. Have you tried it out?

This week we'll have a look at facial massage. To read about the benefits of facial massage refer back to this post.
Here are two quick and fun massage sequins to do daily.

When massaging remember to always massage in an up and outwards direction. The best massage medium would be an oil. Try a vitamin e oil, tissue oil or an olive oil.


Nov 5, 2014


What You Need:
*A rope (the one I used was a belt)
*Rings and embellishments
*Chain clasp

What to do:

1. First i cut the ends of the belt. Since being a belt, the one end had a hole. Using a needle and lighter I made a hole in the other end.

2. Stack up your rings

3. Add a chain, or not.

4. Add a chain clasp to the ends.


Nov 3, 2014


Cake Ingredients: 
1 cup flour 
2 tablespoons cocoa 
1/2 teaspoon salt 
1 teaspoon baking powder 

4 egg yolks
1 cup castor sugar 
1/2 cup oil 
1/2 cup boiling water 
1 teaspoon vanilla essence 

4 egg whites 
1 teaspoon baking powder

1.Sift together the flour, cocoa, salt and 1tsp baking powder. 
2. Beat the egg yolks, castor sugar, oil, boiling water and vanilla essence well. 
3. Beat the egg whites and 1tsp baking powder until stiff. 
4. Add the egg white mixture to the egg yolk mixture and mix. 
5. Lastly add the dry ingredients in. 
6. Divide evenly into cupcake tins. 
Bake for +/- 30 minutes

Hazelnut Icing Ingredients
125g butter
150g hazelnut spread

60ml cocoa powder
500ml icing sugar
40ml milk

1. Cream the butter and hazelnut spread until well blended.
2. Add the icing sugar and cocoa gradually.
3. Add the milk until the icing becomes spreadable.
4. When cupcakes are cool, pipe the icing on the cupcakes.