Apr 24, 2014

DIY Tea Coaster

Hello tea lovers. How about a cup of tea? And a customized coaster to go with it. Why not right?
And since this is oh so easy to do, there is no reason not to get started right away.
What you need: 
*A 10cm x 10cm canvas 
*Acrylic paint 
*Permanent Marker 
*Modge Podge 
*Paint brush 


1. Choose a background colour. Paint your canvas by dipping the sponge into the paint and thereafter blotting on the canvas. I decided on a purple theme. I mixed my purple paint with varied amounts of white paint to create three different shades of purple.
The background colour is the lightest shade.
2. Using your sponge, dab on the second shade.
3. Do the same for the third colour. Allow the paint to dry.
4. Once the paint has dried use the marker and draw on your preferred text and image.
5. Paint on a layer of modge podge. Allow to dry. Repeat atleast 4 more times.
TADA! Miss B Needs Tea!!
Miss B has got some tea. A cup for you too?

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