"This is the perfect outfit for today, but I don't have a scarf to match!!!!" This my dear readers is a common cry among sisters who don the hijab(headscarf). Looking for scarves is another nightmare! To make our lives easier we have online stores, but online hijab stores in South Africa aren't plentiful. Sigh..
Through scouring the internet I have found one store that I particularly love. "Sisters in Hijab". Today on the blog we have one of the beautiful and successful sisters, Fatima Peck, of the sister duo behind the Sisters in Hijab store.
Please tell us a bit about yourselves and "Sisters in Hijab":
I, Fatima, work in a very fast paced tourism and events industry whilst
my younger sister, Nurunisa, studies Film & Media at UCT. We both lead quite busy lives, but felt that we needed a hobby we were both passionate about. This is how Sisters in Hijab came to life,, an online scarf and hijab accessories retailer.

How did Sisters in Hijab begin?
"Sisters in Hijab" was originally created when my sister and I began to wear hijab and began to look for scarves that really spoke to our style. Since we are of the generation that goes to the internet first for ideas, we noticed that all the online scarf stores were located outside of South Africa. So we thought, why not start one ourselves? The online store also doubles up as a blog, on which we showcase how one may
style the scarf with a particular outfit. The website has really grown since 2012, we have now partnered up with "Aashiqah G Collections" headbands and "Bespoke Hijabi by WH" to sell their offerings on our site. We believe that the only way to grow in this industry is to collaborate with ambitious Muslimahs that share our passion and values, and this is why we continue to open our doors to new entrepreneurs.
What a lovely initiative by these young entrepreneurs!
How and where can you be contacted?
These lovely sisters where recently part of a fashion show where parts of the profits were donated to Gift of the Givers. Not only do they provide such an excellent service to the South African community, they are also making a difference!
Please show them some love.